* Pictured - Two Horned Drouberhannis by Dr. Suess
In April/May of 2002 this venue highlighted Seuss - but not with this depth. A pseudo mini museum show minus any original
work, this is a comprehensive peek into Theodor Seuss Geisel's life and work. It's a seduction, a sales technique, albeit a pleasing, well-done one to get you in the doors to view the saleable limited edition works of Seuss. Oh, the things you can sell! And really, nothing is wrong with that. Touring the venues across the country that sell Dr. Seuss limited edition, licensed work, this exhibit gives prominence to his early cartoon work for ad campaigns and magazines. It's the interested public's opportunity to see early works they may never have the opportunity to become acquainted with otherwise. Whether he was contemplating his unemployment through a mini Seussically poetic novelette (with fluffy fanciful characters and rhyming words) or advertising Flit pesticide, the shrewd Seuss candor and pen is consistent throughout his life and work. William Dreyer, curator for this traveling show presented by the Chase Group, who has licensing rights to Dr. Seuss images, will speak at the gallery on Jan. 9, 2004, 6 p.m. Through Jan. 19, 2004; 317-845-9990. -Mary Lee Pappas
Art of Dr. Seuss Fraud COVERUP
Original published February 3, 2007 (Updated May 31, 2007)
By Gary Arseneau
-LIFETIME SEUSS ARTWORK- Obviously, during his lifetime, the artist Theodor (Dr. Seuss) Geisel created his "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" artwork. On the left is a reproduction of his artwork being sold on the www.allposters.com website for $19.99 each. -NOTICE- the size of the striped balloon, how close the striped balloon is to the castle-like structure, the small pale yellow balloon above the striped balloon and the artwork's soft pastel-like colors.
-POSTHUMOUS SEUSS FAKE- Now, compare the above reproduction of Theodor (Dr. Seuss) Geisel's artwork with the non-disclosed chromist-made -FAKE- on the left. This -FAKE- was drawn, after 1997 some six years or more after Theodor (Dr. Seuss) Geisel's death in 1991, by a chromist (someone who copies art). This non-disclosed -FAKE- is being promoted, by Audrey Geisel, The Chase Group and participating galleries, as Theodor (Dr. Seuss) Geisel's "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" and being offered for sale at $425 each in a so-called "Limited Edition of 2500 Arabic" for a gross of over $1,062,500 dollars. How can you tell it's -FAKE-? Aside, dead artists don't create art, -NOTICE-, in this -FAKE-, the size of the striped balloon is smaller and farther away from the castle-like structure, a small balloon above it is missing and the color is darker.
In otherwords, Audrey Geisel, The Chase Group and all participating galleries are offering the public for sale at $225 or more each the so-called "Art of Dr. Seuss" but in reality giving non-disclosed chromist-made -FAKES-. otherwise known as the -BAIT & SWITCH-.
Since 1997, this has been the on-going "Art of Dr. Seuss” -FRAUD-.
The 72,000 or more so-called “lithographs,” “serigraphs” and edition “sculptures,” attributed to Theodor Geisel by Audrey Geisel, The Chase Group and participating art galleries, are not only non-disclosed -FAKES-, posthumously reproduced after 1997 but they have posthumously applied counterfeit “Dr. Seuss” signatures and edition numbers to foster the illusion that Theodor Geisel a.k.a. Dr. Seuss either created them and/or at least approve them when in fact he hasn't even seen them.
Once again to belabor the point, why hasn't Theodor Geisel seen them?
Because Theodor Geisel died in 1991, some six years before this -FRAUD- began. By definition, rule of law and laws of nature, dead artist don’t create art after their death, much less sign or number anything.
In response to these -FACTS-, The Chase Group, located in the State of Illinois, has posted online a new www.drseussart.com/ faq.html website that is an attempt to -COVERUP- these allegations documented in this scholar’s prior "Art of Dr. Seuss FRAUD" Press Releases.
Here is one example:
-POSTHUMOUS SEUSS FAKE- In 2000, on The Chase Group's former www.chaseart.com website, they described the so-called "Yertle The Turtle," for sale at $225 each, as a "Hand-Pulled Plate Lithograph" and "© 2000 The Chase Group."
-POSTHUMOUS SEUSS FAKE- Now in 2006, on The Chase Group's new www.drseussart.com website for this same so-called "Yertle The Turtle," they have -REMOVED- "Hand-Pulled Plate Lithograph" and "© 2000 The Chase Group" and -REPLACED- it with "Dr. Seuss Artworks" and "© 1960."
Why would The Chase Group change the copyright date from "2000" to "1960" for this so-called Theodor (Dr. Seuss) Geisel's "Yertle The Turtle." much less eliminate the description of it as a: "Hand-Pulled Plate Lithograph" and replace it with the phrase "Dr. Seuss Artworks."
Could it be that a "1960" date is more plausible for so-called "artworks," much less "lithographs," than a "2000" date since Theodor Geisel died in 1991?
Hence, the -COVERUP-.
The Chase Group’s current www.drseussart.com website is not about full and honest disclosure, it is about fostering confusion to help obscure their "cash-cow" -FRAUD-. The Chase Group’s website fosters misconceptions, misrepresentations and outright lies which results not only in consumer fraud but the poisoning of the marketplace against legitimate artists who create artwork, much less those merchants who sell fully disclosed "reproductions."
Let's document their www.drseussart.com/faq.html website’s written statements to the facts.
FIRST, on this website, under "Frequently asked Questions," it asks the question: "How do I purchase Dr. Seuss artworks?"
Unfortunately, The Chase Group is -NOT- selling any "Dr. Seuss artworks." The Chase Group confirms that devastating fact later on their www.drseussart.com/faq.html website when they ask the question: “Were any Dr. Seuss serigraphs, lithographs or sculpture published during his lifetime?” and the answer given is: “No.”
So, anything posthumously reproduced would be, at best, a reproduction. At $225 to $9,000 more each, the Illinois based The Chase Group is selling non-disclosed reproductions as “Art of Dr. Seuss” in violation of the State of Illinois’ Chapter 815 statute requiring the disclosure of “reproductions,” if sold for $60 or more, as "reproductions."
SECOND, the question is asked: "How did The Art of Dr. Seuss project come to fruition?" The answer given is: "the work deserved further recognition."
How can any new “Art of Dr. Suess come to fruition” when The Chase Group admits none of these so-called “serigraphs, lithographs or sculpture” were made “during his lifetime.”
The Chase Group talks out of both sides of their mouths. They are hoping to confuse the public so they will accept, much less believe, that the living presence of the artist is not necessary to create art, much less to sign it.
THIRD, under this same question, "How did The Art of Dr. Seuss project come to fruition?,” next paragraph, it states: "lithographs, serigraphs and sculpture reproduced from Geisel's original drawings and paintings."
Fortunately, “drawings and paintings” reproduced, would, at best, be -REPRODUCTIONS-.
“Lithographs, serigraphs and sculpture" are original “works of visual art” themselves that can only be created by a living artist. "Lithographs, serigraphs and sculpture" would never be trivialized as reproductions of anything, much less “drawings and paintings."
This is confirmed by U.S. Customs regulations that state a "lithograph" or any other original printmaking medium must be "wholly executed by hand by the artist" and "excludes all photomechanical and mechanical processes."
Therefore, The Chase Group and participating galleries are actually -BAITING & SWITCHING- the public by offering one thing “Art of Dr. Seuss” and "lithographs, serigraphs and sculpture" when they are actually selling, at best, -REPRODUCTIONS- of Dr. Seuss.
At $225 to $9,000 or more, would the public pay that much if they knew, at best, it was nothing more than a poster?
Additionally, under the same question: "How did The Art of Dr. Seuss project come to fruition?," third paragraph, it states: “This historic project has opened the world's eyes to the unique artistic talent of Dr. Seuss."
Theodor Geisel was dead when these non-disclosed "reproductions" were reproduced, it could -NEVER- be his "artistic talent." Dead men don't have "artistic talent."
FOURTH, the question is asked: "Were any Dr. Seuss serigraphs, lithographs or sculpture published during his lifetime?"
As noted earlier, the answer given by The Chase Group, was “No.” The big problem, with this question, is "serigraphs, lithographs and sculpture" are -NOT- “published,” they are created by living artists.
Once again, this is confirmed by U.S. Customs regulations that state a "lithograph" or any other original printmaking medium must be "wholly executed by hand by the artist" and "excludes all photomechanical and mechanical processes."
Additionally, under U.S. Copyright Law, “limited editions" can only be "signed and numbered" by a living artist. Yet , since 1997, Theodor Geisel is credited, by The Chase Group, with creating 72,000 so-called "limited edition - lithographs, serigraphs and sculpture," with the illusion of his approval with a so-called "Dr. Seuss signature" applied.
Fortunately, under U.S. Copyright Law, U.S. Customs Law and Illinois Chapter 815, Theodor Geisel could not have created anything attributed to him after 1997 by The Chase Group. Why? Because Theodor Geisel was -DEAD-.
FIFTH, under "1. "The Illustration Art Collection," it states: "The majority of these works have been reproduced using an historic technique called hand-pulled lithography. This intentionally “low-tech” method involves highly skilled artisans and master printers whose job it is to faithfully recreate Seuss’s original works - The result is a beautifully created artwork."
In otherwords, The Chase Group is hiring chromists (someone who copies the artist’s work) to so-call “recreate Seuss’s original works” and then deceptively pass off these chromist-made and/or photomechanical reproductions as Theodor Geisel’s “artwork.”
That is a “knowing misrepresentation of a material fact or truth to induces a person to his or her own detriment” which is one legal definition of -FRAUD-.
If The Chase Group thought they could convince the public they were "alchemists" and could make gold from lead and sell it at $500 an ounce, they would no doubt try it.
SIXTH, under "2. The Secret Art and Archive Collection," it states: "Many of these works have been reproduced using hand-pulled serigraphy - this intentionally “low-tech” method is usually carried out under the direction of a master printmaker who must carefully breakdown an original painting into its many colors - print each color, one layer at a time."
“Serigraphs” can only be created by a -LIVING- artist.
“Serigraphs” are original “works of visual art” that must be, under U.S. Custom’s regulations, "wholly executed by hand by the artist." Specifically, the -living- artist would cut and/or paint stencils and print one color at a time and continue that creative process until the completion of that original “work of visual art” ie. serigraph.
If someone, other than the artist, legally -reproduces- “drawings {or} paintings,” in a silkscreen medium, it would be, at best, a -REPRODUCTION-
SEVENTH, under "2. The Secret Art and Archive Collection," second paragraph, it states: "some works in the collection employ more modern printmaking techniques not available to artists of past generations."
Funny, when these non-disclosed reproduction techniques were “employ{ed},” it wasn't available to Theodor Geisel either because he was -DEAD-.
Additionally, they state: "giclee offer a wide range of color saturation - Prints reproduced using this method capitalize on the brilliant fidelity of specially calibrated digital presses, coupled with inks and papers which were developed over many years and specifically designed for fine art printmaking."
The so-called "fine art printmaking" called "Giclee," when using the brightly colored dyes, is as lightfast as a "cereal box,” These contentious issues of lightfastness of giclee reproduction technology were documented and published in the October 1996 ART CALENDAR issue.
There goes their so-called "brilliant fidelity."
EIGHTH, and furthermore, it states: "Just as silkscreen printmaking revolutionized the way artist and printmakers expressed themselves in the 1960s, so too has giclee printmaking in the early 21st century."
What's incredibly obscene is Theodor Geisel died in the 20th-century and yet according to The Chase Group he is stilling coming out with new work in the 21st-century.
How's he doing that?
NINTH, under "3. The Collection of Unorthodox Taxidermy (Seuss Sculptures)," it states: "Today, Seuss’s sculptures are reproduced as hand-painted cast resin sculptures and are painstakingly prepared to accurately recreate the aesthetic brilliance of the originals."
The big problem is: "sculptures" are -NOT- reproduced. Under U.S. Copyright Law, sculptures are created by living artists. It is a massive oxymoron to misrepresent three-dimensional reproductions as "sculptures."
And for The Chase Group and participating galleries to do so for money, is -FRAUD-.
TENTH, the question is asked: "Are these works signed by Dr. Seuss."
The answer given is: "because the reproductions included in The Art of Dr. Seuss project were created after his lifetime, each limited edition lithograph and serigraph bears an Authorized Printed Signature and each sculpture an Authorized Engraved Signature."
"Signature," by definition, means autographed by the person on hand. Since, Theodor Geisel was -DEAD- when these 72,000 reproductions were posthumously reproduced with his so-called “signature” applied, how’d he do that?
Once again, under U.S. Copyright Law, you can't have a "limited edition" attributed to a dead guy because they could not have obviously "signed and numbered" anything.
In otherwords, the Chase Group is, with impunity, counterfeiting Theodor Geisel’s work and his signature and calling them the "Art of Dr. Seuss" with "Dr. Seuss signatures" to help them defraud the public of hundreds to thousands of dollars each.
Finally, it asks: "Is there a certificate of authenticity issues for these works?" The answer given is: "Yes."
The Chase Group would have the public imagine 72,000 non-disclosed -FAKES-, with counterfeit signatures applied, are transformed magically to "{art}works" and authenticated by a piece of paper.
Sadly, in closing, for the consumers and legitimate artists, The Chase Group are one of the too many to mention alchemists of the 21st-century who come into the art industry with one goal: "why let the truth interfere with commerce."
posted by Gary Arseneau at 4:20 PM
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